Monday, December 30, 2019
Mini Case (P. 45) - 733 Words
a. Why is corporate finance important to all managers? Corporate finance is important to all managers because it allows a manager to be able to predict the funds the company will need for their upcoming projects and think about ways to organize and acquire those funds. b. Describe the organizational forms a company might have as it evolves from a start-up to a major corporation. List the advantages and disadvantages of each form. The organizational forms a company might have as it evolves from a start-up to a major corporation are: sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. The advantages of a sole proprietorship are that is is easily and inexpensively formed; is subject to few government regulations and it’s income is not†¦show more content†¦Corporate governance can address agency problems, they are the rules that dictate the company’s behavior towards it’s directors, managers, employees, shareholders, creditors, competitors and community. d. What should be the primary objective of managers? The primary objective of the manager is to please the stockholder by maximizing stockholder wealth. (1) Do firms have any responsibilities to society at large? Firms have responsibilities to society at large by not harming the environment (polluting the air or water); producing safe products and providing a safe work environment for it’s employees and the surrounding residents. (2) Is stock price maximization good or bad for society? When the firm is trying to maximize their stock they are trying to develop new products and technology which leads to producing products that the customer (society) needs. (3) Should firms behave ethically? Yes, firms should behave ethically. When a firm behaves ethically then the public will â€Å"trust†them, and when a customer trusts a company they will be more likely to purchase their product/service or do business with them. What three aspects of cash flows affect the value of any investment? The three aspects of cash flows that affect the value of any investment are the amount of cash flows, the timing of the cash flows, and the risk involved with the cash flows. f. What are free cash flows? Free cash flows are the cash flowsShow MoreRelatedEssay about Traditional and Nontraditional Litigation1318 Words  | 6 Pagesresolutions (ADR) have several similarities as well as differences. There are numerous legal processes available to companies to resolve disputes other than using the traditional litigation system such as arbitration, negotiation, mediation, conciliation, mini-trial, fact-finding, and a judicial referee. Even though there are differences between the traditional litigation system and the nontraditional forms of ADR there is situations that call for both types of these litigation systems to be used in conjunctionRead MoreBusiness Report On Kellogg s Company1404 Words  | 6 PagesAnnual Report 2015, p. 1). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Illegal Immigrants in The United States Essay - 770 Words
For many years, people from all over the world have come to the United States seeking a better life for themselves, their spouse, their children and even their childrens children. However, not every immigrant comes into this country legally and many of these illegal immigrants are poor, uneducated and may be carrying contagious diseases. They may arrive here via human trafficking, smuggling or other methods. There is one thing we know for sure that many of them choose to remain silence when they become victims. The three main reasons they become invisible victims are they are not aware they are victimized, they dont know the right way to ask for help and they are afraid to be fired or even deported. Illegal immigrants†¦show more content†¦For example, an illegal immigrant may be working in a restaurant for over twelve hours a day, but doesnt get paid for overtime. Most importantly, some of these workers dont even know they are victimized, they even think certain level of c orporal punishment from their boss is acceptable, because they used to work that way and they believe its the way it should be. After all, they are earning much more than they used to when they were back in their original countries. Some illegal immigrants may know they are victimized, but dont know the right places or ways to call for help. It is not surprise to see even quite a few legal residents dont know where to seek for help in the complex legal system today. Compare to legal residents, illegal immigrants usually dont equipped with language skills thats enough for them to look for right agencies to help before they have stayed in the country for a certain amount of time. Illegal immigrants usually dont have the time and abilities to look for relevant information from TV, newspaper or even Internet. The circle of people, they are dealing with for the most of time, are usually in similar situations. Also because of they dont want everyone to know about their illegal status, it is very hard for people who can help to find them and help them. Even though they know they are victimized and they know exactly how to get help, they may still remain silence to keep their jobShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigrants : The United States1392 Words  | 6 PagesJoseph Lema Professor Ferrell English 1470 19 Oct 2017 Illegal Immigration Illegal immigrants are coming into the United States at an alarming rate and it is affecting the United States in negative ways. Immigrants are drawn to America to escape poverty, corrupt government, crime, severe danger, drugs, or persecution in their own countries. Immigrants that come to the United States of America are supposed to apply for a Visa when they first arrive. To get a Visa, the peopleRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1303 Words  | 6 PagesAs history has shown, millions of immigrants have flocked to the United States in attempts to find a better life. The complexity of immigration is much greater now than it was in the early 1900’s. Most immigrants arriving on boats to Ellis Isle would have only been denied if they were deemed to be a criminal or with disease. Individuals must now endure an extensive application process to obtain a green card or visa. Without one of these documents, the person is considered to be here illegally. To dayRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1248 Words  | 5 Pagesa half million unauthorized immigrants in the United States in 2014. The population has remained stable for five years, and currently makes up three and half percent of the nation’s population. In the United States Labor Force, there were eight million unauthorized immigrants either working or looking for work in 2014. Is it ethical to employ illegal immigrants? According to the Pew Research Center, Currently, â€Å"49% of US citizens agree with the statement â€Å"immigrants today strengthen the countryRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1418 Words  | 6 PagesAn illegal immigrant, who works for their keep in an unknown country, contributes to taxes, stays out of trouble, and just wants a better life in a foreign country, on unknown land should be recognized for their contribution to that particular society. An illegal immigrant is a person who migrates to a different country i n a way that is in violation of the immigrant laws of that country. Immigration has been a divided topic for many years in America- illegal immigrants are sometimes seen as a burdenRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States Essay1594 Words  | 7 Pagesand illegal immigrants originate to the United States. From all around a world, individuals want to arise toward America for an improved existence for them and their families. America is a freedom-oriented country, where everybody has right how to live their life in their own conditions. I myself, I remain immigrant as well. I came to U.S.A. 5 years ago. American culture remains actual diverse somewhat from other cultures. In this country, we all get the liberty to live our life. The United StatesRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States Essay1527 Words  | 7 PagesIllegal immigrants have been present in every country ever since governments have been established. Even in the time when Christopher Columbus first s et foot on North America, there were already Natives living on the continent. The British immigrants that first established the Thirteen Colonies brought disease and famine with them. Many Natives died from the diseases that the British brought with them. If there had been a federal government in place, the settlers would have been considered illegalRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1256 Words  | 6 PagesAn immigrant is a person who legally comes to a country to take up a permanent residence. An illegal immigrant is a person who does come to a country without following the established legal procedures of the destination country and who resides in that country without the proper identifications for example: visas, or other documents. Illegal immigrants are sometimes referred to as illegal aliens or undocumented workers. Emigration and immigration are two sides of the same basic act of human migrationRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1490 Words  |  6 PagesThe United States of America constantly boasts about its homeland security system and the 1.6 million dollar budget it grants to immigrant and border control. However, in the past decade the number of illegal immigrants in the US has risen from around 4 million to 11.6 million. Its insane that the United States is spending the extremely generous sum of 1.6 million dollars on border control out of its 3.8 trillion dollar budget, and is seeing no return! Currently, about 3.5 million illegal immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And The United States1848 Words  | 8 Pagesof the United States immigration has reliably transformed into a bit of our nation s fabric which began many years earlier. Just to wind up one of the most sizzling subjects in the United States and as of late with its essential center being illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are individuals who enters a country without the administration s authorization. In 2008, the Center for Immigration Studies assessed that there are more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States which areRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : The United States1174 Words  | 5 PagesEach year about 2.5 million Illegal immigrants attempt to cross the border, only about 100,000 and less make it through. Illegal immigrants come to America for a better life. They have gradually increased over time since the 1800’s. Illegal immigrants can come from all parts of the world, but most them come from spanish speaking countries (South and Central America). Most Americans believe illegal immigrants are a problem to the U.S.. Also, Illegal immigrants are believed to be bringing crime, but
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Comparing William Blake and William Wordsworth Free Essays
Sonnet 18 In Sonnet 18, William Shakespeare begins by considering what metaphorical comparisons would best reflect the young man, in fact a typical convention of Renaissance poems is to compare beauty and youth with aspects of nature. In the first and in the second stanza he develops the idea of summer: in the first stanza (the introductory part) he wants to compare the young man to a summer day, but he also says that the man is more beautiful and more lovely than a summer day; in fact, he knows, summer can be very short and the weather is changeable: sometimes it’s too hot and sometimes the sun has disappeared, but he can’t be obscured. Then the poet adds that it is also true that, like a real summer, the young man’s youth will not last forever, because it is how nature goes (it’s temporary). We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing William Blake and William Wordsworth or any similar topic only for you Order Now The third stanza starts with an adversative, here the poet concentrates in the man’s beauty and he says that his beauty won’t disappear; not even death can take his beauty, because in poetry the poet is able to preserve the idea of beauty and youth. It is something like a promise: in the world of the poem, the young’s man beauty will never die, but it will go on growing in the minds of readers; Shakespeare wishes to preserve the young man’s beauty against the effects of time. The poem carries the meaning of an Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet (Petrarchan sonnets typically discuss the love and beauty of a beloved). The theme is the transience of beauty, the poet tries to immortalize the young man’s beauty through his own poetry. Sonnet 130 This is a sonnet written for a dark lady, in which Shakespeare criticizes the idealising tendency of the most Elizabethan love poetry to compare the beloved with nature. Sonnet 130 is clearly a parody of the conventional love sonnet, made popular by Petrarch. In describing his dark lady, he is careful to emphasise how little she corresponds to the conventional idea of beauty of his time; in fact from the sonnet we can understand that the woman is not beautiful: she doesn’t have soft hair, instead she has got black wire hair, she doesn’t have brilliant eyes and red lips , she has dark skin (breasts), moreover he can’t see the colour of the roses in her cheeks and her breath can’t be compared to perfume, her voice is not as pleasant as music and she doesn’t walk like a goddess. For him, however, the fact that she is not conventionally beautiful is an indication of her â€Å"natural†beauty; what fascinates the poet in his lady are the things that make her unique in his eyes, these things make her rare in a world in which the women have to correspond to an ideal notion of beauty. So Shakespeare ends the sonnet by proclaiming his love for his mistress, so he does finally embrace the fundamental theme in Petrarch’s sonnets: total and consuming love. Romeo and Juliet (balcony scene) After seeing Juliet at the Capulet’s house during the feast, Romeo secretly return to see her again: Romeo, hidden amongst the shadows outside Capulet’s house, sees Juliet in the balcony; Juliet, believing that she is alone, professes her love for Romeo and her profound sorrow that he is a Montague. Romeo reveals himself and the lovers speak to each other. Romeo is very poetic when he speaks about Juliet, he is a platonic lover, in fact he describes Juliet as a perfect woman (he idealizes Juliet): he says Juliet is the sun and the moon is jealous, her eyes are far more brighter than the sun, they are so brighter that the birds sing all the time. He describes her using some of the conventions of courtly love and Neo-Platonism found in sonnets of the time. Instead Juliet, even if she has the passion, goes right into the problem, which is the name; she is more realistic and she’s worried because Romeo shouldn’t be there and if someone sees him he could die. The dominating image in Romeo and Juliet is light: Romeo associates Juliet with sunlight and stars and the light emanating from angels. Shakespeare’s works are written in Early Modern English; the language used by Romeo and Juliet, particularly Romeo, is often lyrical. How to cite Comparing William Blake and William Wordsworth, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Nursing Care for Intussusception Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Nursing Care for Intussusception. Answer: Intussusception Intussusception is the one of the leading cause of intestinal blockage in children between three months old and three years of age. 1 to 4 out of 1000 infants suffer from this condition. Boys get intussusception more often than girls (Gupta, 2014). It is a life threatening condition which requires medical attention within 24 hours for better prognosis and survival rate. It is uniformly fatal in 2-5 days if left untreated. It is the process through which segment of intestine telescopes or sinks into the adjacent intestinal lumen, causing lumen obstruction. It commonly occurs between the ileum and colon (Bothara, 2018). The pathogenesis of this condition is idiopathic (Douglas, 2015). Risk factors include bacterial enteritis, tumors and rotavirus vaccine. Although it is also believed to be caused by imbalance in the longitudinal forces along the intestinal walls. This imbalance can be as a result of tumors, masses or haphazard peristalsis pattern for instance ileus in the postoperative period. As a result of the imbalance, an area of the intestine invaginates into the lumen of adjacent bowel. The invaginating portion is called intussusceptum while the receiving part is referred to as intussusception (Paul, 2014). The process continues and more proximal areas follow allowing the intussusceptum to proceed along lumen of the intussuscipien. In severe cases, if the mesentery of the intussusceptum is relaxed and the progression is rapid, the intussusception can occur all the way to the distal colon or sigmoid and even prolapse out of anus. The above processes lead to pathophysiologic process of bowel obstruction. The flow of food and fluids through the bowel is blocked leading to irritation and swelling of the intestines. This blockage lead to reverse peristalsis thus causing vomiting. In early stages, the lymphatic return is the first to be hindered and with increasing pressure within the walls of the intussusceptum, venous drainage is also impaired. Finally, more pressure builds up further hindering arterial inflow and infarction ensues. This leads to ischemia of the intestinal mucosa which then sloughs off leading to currant jelly stool which is made of sloughed mucosa, blood and mucus. If medical attention is not sought early enough, Trans mural gangrene and perforation occur especially at the prime edge of the intussusception. The perforation leads to bleeding. Severe bleeding lead to development of shock which is life threatening condition. The perforation of the intestinal wall also allows intestinal contents to leak into the peritoneal cavity. This increases the risk of infections like peritonitis. Nursing care for intussusception The medical management of intussusception depends on the severity, the health of the child, preference of the care giver and the time of intervention. In some instances, the intussusception corrects itself on its own. Other medical interventions involves non-operative reduction and surgical reduction. In non-operative reduction, therapeutic enemas are used. They include hydrostatic- which may contain barium or water soluble contrast or with air insufflation; this is the treatment of choice in many institutions because of less risks and complications associated with it. Surgical intervention is done if the intussusception is severe (Rogers Robb,2012). Most cases surgery is done if the section of intussusception necrotizes fully and requires re-sectioning. In this view, nurses play a major role in the management of the child. Nurses role include assessment and history taking, preoperative care, counselling and health education to the mother- the primary care giver. In Jays case a contrast enema will be administered. The major role of a nurse will include history taking and physical assessment, electrolyte monitoring and intravenous care in preparation of enema administration. Several factors thus play a role in management and care of this baby. First is the consideration of developmental theories in regards to the child. Developmental theories are a collection of theories that explain in details about how desirable change in society is best achieved. Infants of four months old are rapidly undergoing development, both physical and psychological that should be nurtured well by primary care givers and parents to achieve desirable characters. The major developmental theories applicable to a four month old infant are Freud's psychosexual theory, Erikson's psychological theory and Piaget's cognitive development theory (McLeod 2017, Rautava, 2013). Firstly, a nurse caring for a four month old infant and wants to use Piaget cognitive theory would much focus on the first stage. Sensorimotor stage occur from birth to two years of age. It is shown that infants normally "think" by manipulation of the world around them using the five sense and there after producing responses by "doing" such as throwing objects to experience what results. The nurse should therefore provide them with playing toys for them to use. At this age infants begin to believe in object permanence even if something is out of sight they believe it still exists (Rautava, 2013). The nurse should make such environment possible to elicit such reactions. Secondly, using the Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory the nurse can play a major role in shaping up the infant's sexual and aggressive drives (Rautava, 2013). This is usually so as to foster their proper development. The super ego part of personality would be the center of interest as it develops through interactions with other people who want the infant to conform to norms of society. The nurse would then concentrate on the oral stage that occur between births to one year of age. The mouth is a pleasure center of development at this stage, the nurse should ensure that the oral needs of the infant are met such as sucking so that the child may not develop negative habits like thumb sucking because they were stuck in the oral stage (McLeod, 2017). It is therefore necessary to allow more visiting time from the mother. Lastly, Erikson's psychological theory has revealed that at the first stage the child is uncertain about the world we live in. The infant therefore looks upon the care giver to feel secure. Under trust verses mistrust (Dooki, 2015), the nurse can take the opportunity to resolve the infants uncertainty and provide security when they are threatened. The mother who is the primary care giver should also be allowed to bond and interact with her baby more often. This will help the infant have hope but failure to acquire this virtue will in turn lead to development of fear (McLeod, 2017). The physical development is also a factor to consider, the childs masculinity has not fully developed thus they are precipitating factors in development of intussusceptions. The mother then should be educated on this to alleviate anxiety. Another determining factor in the care for the baby is its mother. The mother play a vital role in the care for this baby and therefore needs counselling about the condition to alleviate anxiety and doubts. Counselling empowers the mother about the babys condition, disease process, intervention outcome and also increases the acceptance of the nursing care. The mother should be cancelled on the future vaccinations. The benefits of continuing with vaccination of her child despite the side effect of the recently administered rotavirus (Nylund, 2015). She should be enlightened about the side effects of vaccines and that they are not very common with the incidence at 1case per every 100000 vaccinated babies (Koch, 2014). Moreover, counselling should be accompanied with health education on how the family can participate in care, the danger signs to watch on their baby and the overall prognosis. In addition, there is risk of recurrence of this condition, though low, only 1 in 1000 cases recur (Rautava, 2013) and therefore equipped with this, the family is able participate in the care of the baby inclusively. Hospitalization process is involving and has its effects on the family as well on the child. The child is separated from the mother most of times to give the hospital staff time to carry out hospital procedures. This is psychologically demanding and stressing for the baby. The baby also faces the challenge of adapting to new environment which sometimes may not be conducive from the infrastructure, noise, light and disturbance from many health care providers (Simpson Ivey, 2014). The infants have not fully developed immunity and can easily contract nosocomial infections. The setting is not conducive for exclusive breastfeeding for the infant as the baby is getting supplemental parenteral feeds and more so there is a lot of disruptions from hospital. This reduces the bonding time between the baby and its mother (Prasanna, 2013). Apart from the baby, the hospitalization also affects the family especially the parents. First, they face a lot of stress and anxiety as they are worried about their babys outcome. If no necessary support is accorded, the parents can suffer from depression. Secondly, the process disrupt the work schedule as most of the times the parents are around the hospital for visitation. The other siblings at home may also lack the required parental care (Simpson Ivey, 2014). The hospital care especially in emergency department are costly and this drains the familys kitty especially in event of long term stay and lack of insurance covers. In conclusion, intussusception is a life-threatening condition that affect mostly children under 3 years of age and require rapid multispectral management within 24 hours to save life (kamis, 2013). References Bothara,V.P., Pandey,A., Rawat,J. (2018). Neonatal intussusception: A review. Journal of Neonatal Surgery, 7(1), 5. Dooki,E. (2015). Erik Erikson's Focus on Psychosocial Development.An Introduction to Theories of Human Development,15(6), pg.139-156. Douglas,D. (2015). CSurgeries: Intussusception Rduction.67(3), pg.880. Gupta,C. (2014). Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Probiotic supplementation in neonates with major gastrointestinal surgical conditions: A systematic review.,53(4), pg.83-83. Jim,P., Buttery,C., Standish,J., Bines,E. (2014). The pediatric infections. Disease journal, 2, 20-24. Kamis,T. (2013).Nursing Care Indicators in newborns.Journal ofNursing Care,01(03), 1168- 1170. doi:10.4172/2167-1168.1000107 Koch,J. (2014). Vaccination: vaccination as a Preventive Measure. 40(8), pg.12-21. McLeod,S. (2017). Simply Psychology Journal.Developmental theories,5(2), 99-103. doi:10.4324/9781315517933 Rogers, T. Robb, A. (2012) Intussusception in infants and young children.Surgery; 28: 8, 402-405. Nylund, M. (2015) Journal of Pediatrics. Rotavirus vaccine as a risk factor for childhood intussusception: a retrospective cohort study; 15(6): pg.761-765. Paul,S. (2014). A case series on intussusceptions in infants presenting with listlessness. Infant intussusception, 6(5), 174-177. Prasanna,B.K. (2013). Rapunzel syndrome: A rare presentation with multiple small intestinal intussusceptions.World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery,5(10), pg.282. Rautava P., (2013) Pediatrics Journal. Effect of newborn hospitalization on family and child behavior: a 12-year follow-up study; 111(2):277-283. Simpson T., Ivey J(2014) Pediatric Nursing Journal. Pediatric management problems; 30(4) pg. 326.
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